Mr. Calculus bio photo

Mr. Calculus

A mysterious teacher from Diamond Bar High School.

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External Links


  • Ask Mr.Calculus - Ask Mr Calculus return link
  • American Mathematical Societylinks American Mathematical Society mathematics reference page.
  • Academic Info: Mathematics Links that are listed by subject. Homework link goes to annotated list of homework help sites sponsored by Cal Tech.
  • Calculus and Mathematica Home Page - The Illinois NetMath distance education is a program which offers online math courses for credit from the University of Illinois. These courses in Calculus use the Mathematica program.
  • Calculus graphics – Douglas N.Arnold - These are excerpts from a collection of graphical demonstrations Douglas N. Arnold developed for first year calculus.
  • Calculus Help Page–Formerly Mr. Kelly’s AP Calculus–requires Flash plug-in. Page contains help and resources.
  • CANADA/USAMATHCAMPS - Links provided by Canada/USA Math Cmap personnel. Some good links for help.
  • Dave’s Math Tables - Provided by Dave and–a comprehensive listing of mathematical reference tables and some helpful links
  • Eisenhower National ClearinghouseDCL - ENC’s mission is to identify effective curriculum resources, create high-quality professional development materials, and disseminate useful information and products to improve K-12 mathematics and science teaching and learning.
  • Electronic Sources forMathematics - University of Pennsylvania mathematics resource pages with many helpful links.
  • Finite Mathematics and Calculus Applied to the RealWorld - Finite Mathematics & Applied Calculus Resource Page of Hofstra University
  • Fraction Fun forKids - Lots of exercises with fractions and good examples for improving skills with
  • Fuzzy Systems - ATutorial - Fuzzy systems
    is an alternative to traditional notions of set membership and logic
    that has its origins in ancient Greek philosophy, and applications at
    the leading edge of Artificial Intelligence. Learn about it.
  • Geometry Formulas andFacts - The
    Geometry Center with many links and references provided by the
    University of Minnesota.
  • Geometry Analysis Numeric Graphics homepage - provided by the University of
  • Geometry Junkyard:Topics - These
    pages contain usenet clippings, web pointers, lecture notes, research
    excerpts, papers, abstracts, programs, problems, and other stuff related
    to discrete and computational geometry. Provided by Dr. Eppstein at UC
  • Hartman’s ModernMath 
    A Middle School teacher’s page with lots of math links.
  • Homeworkhelper
    Carroll County Maryland comprehenisve list of help links.
  • The Internet Mathematics Library
    Resources provided by Drexel University Math Forum
  • Karl’s Calculus Tutor - You will find
    coverage of limits, continuity, derivatives, related rates,
    optimization, L’Hopital’s rule, integration, and much more. There are
    dozens of problems worked out for you step-by-step. If you are having
    difficulty with a calculus topic, you are encouraged to go to the
    appropriate section, look at the text, and then follow along with the
    worked problems to learn how you can do similar problems on your own.
    There is also remedial coverage of algebra topics, number systems,
    exponentials, logs, trig functions and trigonometry, if you are in need
    of review on these topics. Email help on math problems is available with
  • Linear Algebra WebNotes. Coverpage  
    Professor Sapir of Vanderbilt University’s web pages on Linear Algebra
    including web notes.
  • Maple Software - The home of Maple
    Mathematics software with some resources and links.
  • Master’s in Teaching Find online masters degrees in teaching and education
  • Math Forum: CalculusSoftware - Shareware
    and freeware for Macs and PCs. This list contains some of the best
    calculus software sites as investigated by the Math Forum.
  • Math Forum: Math Resources bySubject - Math Resources
    by Subject collections representing what math Forum believe are the best
    Internet resources for each topic.
  • Math Tools is a technical computing portal
    for all scientific and engineering needs. The portal is free and
    contains over 20,000 useful links to technical computing programmers,
    covering MATLAB, Java, Excel, C/C+, Fortran and others.
  • Mathematical Resources on theWeb  University of Florida
    mathematics resources and links.
  • Mathematics - University
    of North Texas links to tutorials and resources.
  • Mathematics Archives WWW Server - A list
    of links and resources for mathematics provied by the University of
    Tennessee at Knoxville
  • Mathematics InformationServers - A list of
    various mathematics servers provided by Penn State University
  • Math Forum - Ask Dr.Math  Drexel
    University provides this service where you can ask questions of Dr. math
    to get hints on your problems. Maintains an archive of past problems
    submitted, too.
  • Math Forum Home Page - The home page of
    the Math Forum provided by Drexel University. Many resources available
  • MathMagic! - Math Forums’
    MathMagic! page
  • MathType Home Page - Company makes
    Math Type software and the math editor in MS Word.
  • MATLAB InEducation - Home of the developers of MATLAB program.
  • National Council for Teachers of Mathematics - This organization of mathematics teachers has many links and resources on line that change frequently.
  • Online Integrator - Provided by Wolfram Research–Mathemtica. You can input any integrand and receive the integral quickly. Make sure you read the input formats.
  • S.O.S.Math - S.O.S. MATHematics is your free resource for math review material from Algebra to Differential Equations! Over 2500 pages of helpful information on mathematics.
  • School of Mathematical and Statistics of St. Andrews University,UK - Resources and links provided by his university’s math and statistics
  • Sphere Research’s Slide Rule Universe On-Line SwapMeet - A site dedicated to the slide rule. This was the calculator of engineers and others before the current calculators came into existence. A trip down memory lane.
  • The On-Line Math Tutor - Provides free assistance through e-mail on mathematics questions via link on page.
  • Universtiy of Florida Mathematicslinks  University of Florida maintains this virtual library with lots of resources and links.
  • Wolfram Research, Makers of Mathematica - Home of the makers of Mathematica and resources for the program and mathematics.
  • Yahoo USA Science: Mathematicsresources - Yahoo! USA listing of Mathematical sites.